DNA Travels On

This blog is designed to keep people in touch with the goings on of my time spent in Aringa, Uganda located in the Northwest part of the country during the summer and fall of 2006.

Location: Newark, Delaware, United States

Born in Scotland to an Englishman and American gal, I should have know that my life would end up being a mix of cultural experiences! First stop, Taipei, Taiwan.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Technical Skills: The school focuses on training students in areas that will enable them to find jobs to generate income. This type of training would be too expensive for the students, but ESTA enables them to learn for free. This sewing maching runs manually with a foot trundle.
Carpentry: In such a rural area, where there is no electricity, everything is done by man power. Planing and drilling are that much more difficult, especially while working with the hard woods of the area like teak and mahogany. Posted by Picasa


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