DNA Travels On

This blog is designed to keep people in touch with the goings on of my time spent in Aringa, Uganda located in the Northwest part of the country during the summer and fall of 2006.

Location: Newark, Delaware, United States

Born in Scotland to an Englishman and American gal, I should have know that my life would end up being a mix of cultural experiences! First stop, Taipei, Taiwan.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

End to my Stay

My time here quickly came to an end and it is sad to have to say bye to everyone at the school. In my time there, several classes of students were able to get hands on interaction with a machine that many had never even heard of before. So progress is being made and development in happening at ESTA. Another bit of excellent news is that the computer training will continue on without a hitch. A new computer teach has been found which is a big answer to prayer. (He has already started teaching at this point.)

I have really enjoyed the time that I have had here and hope that people can learn from it. I realize that we don't all get to take three month breaks from life to pursue projects in rural Africa, and I'm thankful that I've had the opportunity. As an encouragment to others think about ways that you can help those that are less fortunate than yourself. Small acts can make big differences. It's great (and necessary) to offer financial support to causes, but time helps you see the differences and allows for more personal contact. I highly encourage it!!!


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